Sunday, March 20, 2005
Demands? You want Demands?
Okay. Here are my demands.

I demand that other people besides BlankPhotog and myself post in this journal.

I demand that people hiring through jobs posted on the internet send thank you letters and acknowledge receipt of your resume and coverletter.

I demand that the US withdraw all but a skeleton crew from Iraq.

I demand that we get back in the routine of actually posting every day. I will hold myself accountable to this demand if these demands are met.

I demand that news about Michael Jackson be banned from the front page. Gossip columns and the interior of the Arts section are more than good enough for that slimeball.

I demand that the current US Administration, including Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, Majority Leader Tom Delay, and the entire RNC resign, effective immediately.

I demand at least two more scoops of raisins in my Raisin Bran.

I demand that the rest of you list your demands.

Posted by Anonymous at 3/20/2005 10:33:00 PM ::


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