Monday, February 07, 2005
Hail Eris, All Hail Discordia!
There was a fun set of books -- the Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson -- written in the late 70's which was the ultimate conspirracy novel. They invented new conspiracies, added all of the really good ones we've come to know and love -- The Bermuda Triangle, Kennedy's Assassination, Watergate, Atlantis, the Great Seal on US Currency -- and wove a rich pseudo-intellectual tapestry of sex, intrigue, drugs, paganism and sea monsters.
Central to the theme of these books was the law of fives.
1. Five was the most magic of numbers, followed closely by two and three, which, when added, equaled five.
2. There are five corners on the Pentagon -- intentionally. because the Pentagon is actually the center of the world's largest pentagram, containing within a ravenous demon summoned by Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, back in 1776.
3. The letter W is important, because it has five points on it -- go ahead, count them -- and it's the 23rd letter of the alphabet, and, as wwe all know, 2 + 3 = 5...
4. John Dillinger would say 23 skiddoo when he did a heist -- and we know what 23 means -- which is why he never got caught actually performing a bank heist.
5. There were five shots fired in Dallas when Kennedy die: One by Oswald from the Book Depository (which missed), two by the mafia hitman on the grassy knoll and two by the CIA sharpshooter on the Triple-Overpass. From the 3 gunmen, 2 bullets found home...
There's more, but you should read the books...
Posted by Anonymous at 2/07/2005 09:53:00 PM ::


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