Friday, January 14, 2005
Pride Goeth Before the Follicle
My hair always made me stand out, even if nothing else would have. I was always different, the alien among the mundanes. My hair was so utterly thick, and I would be teased that I never had to worry about going bald (which seems to be true). The downside of this thickness was that it quickly becomes totally unruly. I couldn't get it as long as I might have wanted. In later years, I began taking pride in my hair, as if it were my only distinguishing feature, and in some cases, it might have been. I had this special talent to attract the envious attention of all sorts of women ... but only if they were at least 15 years my senior. Nowadays, I tease my wife, "When this goes gray, will you have any reason to stay with me?" We may find out soon.
Posted by Anonymous at 1/14/2005 02:47:00 PM ::


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