Thursday, January 13, 2005
The First Time
I look into the eyes of my new partner, and then take a peek at what's been offered to me. The shapes are familiar of course, but this combination will present a new experience. We speak little -- just enough to indicate what we want to do with our hands ... And suddenly it's decided.

We can feel the awkwardness of the first time together. There is an unusual tentativeness. I wonder if I am reading her signals correctly, giving her what she really wants, and noticing her imperfect responses to mine. Presumably, over time, we will develop a masterful rhythm. But for now, the outcome remains in the balance. One mistake could easily ruin the entire evening.

But no! Somehow we stay on the right side of the border between success and failure, and after six frantic gloriously-oblivious-to-the-world-around-us minutes, it is over, and a satisfied smile crosses our faces. A few onlookers perceptibly nod their approval, and with that much more confidence, we wait as the next hand is dealt.
Posted by Anonymous at 1/13/2005 01:42:00 PM ::


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