Thursday, January 20, 2005
Working too hard...
Too busy to blog at work, too tired to blog at home.


I really want to know what happens to Steve and Joe and Amy (and I want to go back and rewrite it all in third person so I can leave the bloody narrator and check out other character, but I digress) but I just haven't had a chance for a few days. This will come as a relief to those who have been watching the instalment grow longer each time, overpowering the whole page... Anyway, I will be away for the weekend (Trip up to Sydney! Yay!) but I will be back on Monday to set a topic and continue writing.

As for movie credits, well...

- = -

Who would play you in a filmed version of your life story?

Personally, I hope I am played by someone old, because it would be such a shame for a young actor with so much ahead of him to destroy his career like that.
Posted by DexX at 1/20/2005 11:30:00 PM ::


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