Sunday, January 09, 2005
Mistaken Identity?
So my friend Jess -- whom I hhaven't actually seen in person in, what is it, three years? -- sends me a note on Friendster.
"Do you want to join a blog?"
I'm like, "sure, why not.?" Even though I already have my own, seldom used one at LiveJournal
So she sends me an invite to join this blog, which tells me to write, already.
I think to myself "but I'm not a writer any more. I stopped writing nearly three years ago -- right after you moved away from Clevo and left me to fend off the stupids by myself -- except for the vague and not-so-often musings on LiveJournal" and then I realize that maybe this is exactly the kind of mistaken identity that we're talking about here.
Then again, writing is like riding a bicycle.
So maybe I'll start writing again.

So exactly how do we play this game, anyway?
Posted by Anonymous at 1/09/2005 10:27:00 PM ::


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