Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Sweet Genie Whom I Have Not Yet Met
Dear sweet genieI know of your mischief
But I know in your heart of hearts
You're not quite so malicious
I suspect you'd understand
My bondage to my instabilities
And thus I appeal today to your
Compassionate nobility
If you could find it within yourself
To choose as your next patron
Myself, I'd make a simple job
To ease up my frustration
I'd ask of you only that
To help me live sans pain
With control over the chemical
Distribution of my brain
I myself could fill every wish
Without need of your magical hand
If I could have that one simple wish
Motivation on demand
(I could stop taking pills
Every morning and night
I wouldn't have to choose
Between fight or flight
I could finish my work
Without hesitation
Live every moment of life
Without gaps for stagnation
Make all the money
I could ever imagine
Complete all my goals
In an elegant fashion
And I'd never again waste
A single hour
For lack of basic
Human willpower)
And I'd want nothing else
No matter the magnitude
I'd wish all leftover magic
Back to you, in gratitude
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 10:48:00 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 10:49:00 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 11:17:00 AM
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