Monday, September 10, 2012
Oh Bloody Hell, I have to get out the door. I have so many things to do and I'm so often paralyzed. It's hard to move these days but I'm doing it anyway. I just wish I had a sidekick. Anyway, lots of work to do and very little time to do it in.

What happened to everyone? I was gone all weekend, and when I come back it's like Lacey's the only person still here.
Posted by Unknown at 9/10/2012 10:54:00 AM ::


Blogger Lacey said...
LOL!! I was a little worried that I was the only one left! Thought maybe everybody met up for the weekend and partied without me...(except Scott, who I saw a few times this weekend and would totally owe me an explanation if he didn't invite me to the party.) ;)
Monday, September 10, 2012 12:52:00 PM  

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