Sunday, February 27, 2005
< rant >
Here's my take on the EC:
It's an outdated system that prevents the rise of independent candidates for the office of president.
I laugh when people say we live in a democracy. We don't. What we live in is a Republic. Our "one vote" picks "representatives" who then go and vote for whatever the hell they want to, usually at the bidding of the corporations who have bought them.
Without this layer of protection, the only Man Date BushCo would have had in November would have been with Jeff Gannon.
Actually, the Electoral College is a very insulting concept. It tells me that the government doesn't trust my decision-making ability. It says that one voice/one vote isn't good enough, that people of stature and importance should get to pick who gets to lead, that "we the people" aren't really "E Pluribus Unum." Instead, we get "E Pluribus CCCCXXXVII," who then get to pick between the two official candidates, regardless of how many people actually voted for a third (or fourth or fifth) candidate.
< /rant >
Posted by Anonymous at 2/27/2005 01:42:00 PM ::


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