Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Giant size
Two giants positioned three chairs in a cleared circle and started their humming and their strumming. Soon, another two giants appeared over the horizon and were quickly in the circle.

The chairs were wrought of iron trestles and old growth pines. One might think them rickety, made of such small stuff that humans nailed together, but when giants build a thing, nothing short of a rocket burst will sunder it. These thick bolls with the remnants of bridges wound around them would hold the giants and maybe even one sitting on anothers' lap. Which might have happened, if this were not a gaming affair.

The two musicians bowed to their neighbors and bade them to sit down, continuing to strum on the sides of their legs and hum in the oddest tongue. After a moment, they themselves entered the circle and requested the others to stand. The game was afoot.
Posted by BlankPhotog at 2/08/2005 10:53:00 PM ::


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